Fair Solar Power for Everyone .

This year (2020) we exist 10 years. We wanted to contribute to creating a sustainable world. With the greatest possible impact. We were convinced that this was possible with the large-scale roll-out of solar power. That put us ahead of the troops. Fortunately, in 2020 we are no longer alone.

Be good and tell it

The past decade has been a true rollercoaster for us and the industry as a whole. But now the market has reached a turning point. That’s what drove us then. But that also drives us today. And tomorrow. In the next 10 years we want to realize 3000 megawatt peak of solar power, but based on our social involvement.

Be good and tell it, that is our motto. By transparently demonstrating our values, intentions and integrity, we want to make even more of a difference. We want to inspire and set a new standard in thinking and acting. Our Fair Solar Power For Everyone manifesto fits in with this aim.

We only develop agricultural solar park projects that provide added value for society. And we only develop projects in which the benefits and burdens are fairly distributed. These are our starting points.

We strive for maximum biodiversity

We involve all stakeholders in design and the process

We integrate our projects into the landscape with minimal impact on the environment

We strive for 50% local ownership and therefore profit sharing for the environment

We also embed ideas about aesthetic added value in the process